Jun 2, 2021 | Events, Sister City Friendship Dinner, SWF Blog
Dear Friends, The 2021 Sister City Friendship Dinner was unlike anything we have ever done before. And it was a huge success because of all of you who joined us on Zoom. We were thrilled to finally welcome our friends from Ukraine and Japan to join us all at the same...
Dec 14, 2020 | Events, Sister City Friendship Dinner
Even during the pandemic, our commitment to our motto “World Peace One Friend At a Time” remains strong! We are happy to bring the community together over inspiring cultural programs, entertainment, and good food again this year. Some of our sister city friends will...
Oct 14, 2016 | Events, SWF Blog
Sister City Friendship Dinner & Celebration on November 5, 2016 Sebastopol World Friends Fundraiser for Project C.U.R.E. Sebastopol, California – Sebastopol World Friends (SWF) will host a Sister City Friendship Dinner and Celebration on Saturday, November...
Sep 4, 2016 | Events, SWF Blog
Discover the World of International Exchange Sebastopol World Friends invites 7th and 8th grade students to learn about the Sebastopol’s sister city exchange program with Takeo City, Japan. 7th and 8th grade students who are attending a middle school in Sebastopol or...