(707) 347-9339 info@sebastopolwf.org
Be a Student Ambassador to Japan!

Be a Student Ambassador to Japan!

After the 3-year break, we are excited to bring our student exchange program back! Sebastopol World Friends invites Sebastopol students and their families to learn about the 2024-2025 exchange program with our sister city, Takeo, Japan.  7th and 8th grade students who...
2023 Student Ambassador Delegation Travel to Takeo

2023 Student Ambassador Delegation Travel to Takeo

Sixteen student ambassadors and three chaperones successfully completed their 10-day homestay in Takeo in July 2023. Since their original trip scheduled for March 2020 was canceled due to the pandemic, the delegation waited for 3.5 years to reunite with their sister...
Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you so much for joining us at the Sebastopol World Friends Friendship Celebration – Where Sushi Meets Borsch on Sunday, April 23 at St. Stephen’s Church in Sebastopol. Approximately 150 guests enjoyed the program and the harmony of sushi and borsch, SWF’s...