There are many worthy organizations that you can find online doing good work in Ukraine. SWF will continue to update this page with information as we learn it.
Listed below are the organizations which currently seem to be positioned to receive U.S. donations and get them to Ukrainians who have been impacted by the current conflict. Sebastopol World Friends encourages you to be generous.
Support Our Chyhyryn Campaign!
Sebastopol World Friends is starting a campaign to collect money specifically to assist our sister city, Chyhyryn in providing for the needs of those fleeing the war, and other war related impacts.
Direct Relief
Direct Relief’s response to the conflict in Ukraine is immediate – and ongoing. The organization has deployed a consignment of emergency packs to equip field medics in Ukraine and is preparing to provide additional deliveries of medical support for Ukraine and the surrounding countries receiving refugees during this crisis.
Nova Poshta
Nova Poshta delivers humanitarian goods across Ukraine and abroad to support the army and territorial defense. We deliver it throughout Ukraine for free. To be able to transport humanitarian aid from around the world for free we need financial support.
CARE Ukrainian Crisis Fund
Donations support CARE’s Ukraine Crisis Fund to reach 4 million with immediate aid and recovery, food, water, hygiene kits, psychosocial support, and cash assistance — prioritizing women and girls, families, and the elderly.
UNICEF supports health, nutrition, HIV prevention, education, safe drinking water, sanitation and protection for children and families caught in the conflict in eastern Ukraine. We call on all sides to recommit to the ceasefire.
Sunflowers of Peace
Sunflowers of Peace is a grass-roots organization which prepares and distributes first aid medical tactical backpacks for paramedics and doctors on the front lines.
International Relief Committee
The IRC website indicates that they are on the ground in Poland preparing to provide critical aid to displaced individuals and families.
Catholic Relief Services
CRS and Caritas partners on the ground are preparing across Ukraine and in bordering countries, ready to provide safe shelter, hot meals, hygiene supplies, fuel to keep warm, transport to safe areas, counseling support and more.
Doctors Without Borders
An independent, global movement with a long track record providing medical relief where it’s most needed in some of the World’s most difficult crises.
Voices of the Children
Voices of Children helps children affected by the war in eastern Ukraine. Thanks to you, we provide psychological and psychosocial support to children. It helps them overcome the consequences of armed conflict and develop.
International Committee of the Red Cross
A Swiss-based organization whose work is based on the Geneva Convention of 1949 provides independent, neutral humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of armed conflict and disaster.
World Central Kitchen
Casa lui Patrocle
An animal rescue located 25 miles outside of Ukraine that has vowed to offer shelter, veterinary care, and other emergency assistance to anyone crossing the border with pets of any species. This is an organization recommended by the AKC, and the AKC has a special edition series of clothing items created to support this animal rescue.