(707) 347-9339 info@sebastopolwf.org

Dear SWF friends and supporters,

We have an urgent need for Host families.  From Saturday September 14, 2019 to Friday September 20, 2019, SWF will be hosting 10 students from Kagoshima University, Japan. The Kagoshima University program is in its third year and we are looking forward to another fun and exciting hosting experience with this new group of college students.

This year SWF will be arranging a wide variety of activities for the students that is centered around community involvement, volunteerism and the environment.   Each day will start with a conversational English class in Sebastopol where we will discuss vocabulary for the day’s activities.

Host families will need to drive the students to a central drop off spot in Sebastopol Monday through Friday mornings.  Pick up will generally be in the late afternoon at the same location. Host families will provide breakfast and dinner to their students.  Host families may participate in the various activities which will include a climate change project at Armstrong Redwoods, visit to Cere’s kitchen, classroom visit to an elementary school, and a tour of Santa Rosa Junior College.

On Friday, we will hold a Sayonara dinner for host families and students where the students will give us a presentation. Students will leave for the airport after the party on Friday evening.

This is a short and fun hosting experience with a relatively light time-commitment required of the host families. Previous host families have really enjoyed this age group as communication is relatively easy and students are motivated.

If you are interested in hosting one or two students, please contact:

Beth Lamb (707) 322-0744, blamb@jps.net
Meg Mizitani at (707) 484-0245, megmizutani@gmail.com.